This is the view i have driving home from work at 5:30pm- the sky was particularly dramatic yesterday and it's starting to get dark earlier, as winter approaches. I'm always so grateful to have this beautiful view- especially after 3 years of traveling home from work on the tube, in London!
Ernst and I drove to George this weekend for Karen and Gerhardt's wedding. It was a beautiful celebration. The cake was 'very Karen'- lots of ginger bread men piled up- with a bridal ginger bread couple on top!
This is a photo of Karen and her Dad walking into the wedding ceremony. The ceremony was held in a tent on the grass, which was surrounded by trees and had a beautiful view of the sea below.
I'm 27 weeks pregnant, so almost in my last trimester! A few friends have asked for pics of my tummy... so here it is. We are having a little boy, which is very exciting- i've always seen myself as more of a girls' type mom- but they say boy's are easier and i can't think of anything more gorgeous than a little version of Ernst :o)