As I think about the year that's been, in these-the final minutes of 2009, I'm so grateful for God's grace- undeserved favour- provision and love. It's been a wonderful, crazy, life changing year. Looking forward to 2010, and all that's in store. This photo reflects how I feel about my life at the moment... there are a few grey clouds and a scew pole- but so much beauty, security and bursting potential...
We had Lindt hot choc and choc cake at a cute new delicatesan in Hermanus this afternoon.
Ernst, Arden and I went through to Hermanus for lunch and the afternoon today. This town always brings back so many happy childhood holiday memories.
We're at MB for the week, with Ernst's parents and Ouma. It's always so relaxing here- lots of reading and sleeping and talking and eating and a bit of walking and maybe i'll be able to say swimming before the week is up!
My entire extended family got together for the afternoon and eve on the 25th. We played games, danced- Granny insisted we make up a dance item and perform it...thereby completly humiliating ourselves infront of poor nontribe guests, sang- I had a go on the mike at one point, and ate- was fun although I was feeling ill-survived by dosing up on panado. Pic of Ma and Pieter.
Ma Annelie produced a feast and we enjoyed the evening with Izak and Ernst's parents and grandparents.
We had a very special Christmas eve with Arden, Izak, grandparents and great grandparents. Arden got lots of lovely presents- but I think the wrapping paper was his favorite.
The wedding was at Skilpadvlei. Such a beautiful celebration of love between two people who are so made for eachother. The bride managed to stay calm, despite the zip in her dress breaking just before the service.
Lezil and Em came to viz- they've been working in India for the last few months. We made sushi for supper.
This was the main bedroom in the house used for photo shoot. In pic below-Arden taking a keen interest in the photographer's equipment!
I'm with Arden at a photo shoot in Yzerfontein now-was reluctant to drive so far, but SO glad we came. They shooting at the most beautiful white wooden house on the beach, French chefs are busy making us lunch, Arden has his own room, i'm reading a mag, meeting interesting people and enjoying the view and we being paid! Life is good.
We had a kitchen tea for Tleng, who is getting married on Sunday, at my house yesterday. It was good to see some old friends from varsity again and celebrate with Tleng.
Ernst and I celebrated 4 wonderful years of marriage on the 10th Dec, by having supper at Zorgvliet wine estate- sat outside to enjoy the beautiful scenery.
We had our 1st wine club gathering last night-it was loads of fun and we learned lots about the 4 main reds and how they combine with different food.
Lara, Sarah, Arden & I are at my mom's farm in the Karoo for a few days. We stopped the car on the way there, to help this creature cross to safety.
We spent the wend with Ernst's family- oupa Piet, ouma Christine, ouma Andri & Izak were all there.
We had a special evening with Ernst's parents and Ouma, celebrating my wonderful husband's 27th.