Saturday, March 5, 2011

Trip to Vietnam

Sorry it's taken SO long to write about Vietnam... the truth is that as much as I enjoyed the trip, it makes me feel nauseas to look at the photos of our trip... reason- well, we found out the day before we left that we are expecting our 2nd child and the pregnancy nausea kicked in in such a memorable way toward the end of the trip, that I have, until this moment (that I feel particularly brave and strong), been unable to face updating my blog! But here goes... Vietnam is an amazing country, very third world, bustling with life and energy, the people are beautiful, friendly and resilient.

Selling veg on the street.

A common sight- people carrying their wares over their shoulders.

Out for lunch- finally somewhere serving 'normal food' for preggy belly!

American plane captured during the Vietnam war.

Interesting fruit at the market.

One of the main street intersections in Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. One of the first things we realised was that there are NO road rules in Vietnam- you basically have to keep moving slowly, to cross a road, or you will never get a turn! Quite an experience- we got really good at it!

Last night in Vietnam- we met up with Kevin, Vanessa and Steve- friends from Canada that we met on the boat.

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